10 Best Airbnbs in Quebec City

Visiting Quebec City is akin to visiting a charming European town—without having to change timezones or take a transatlantic flight. The capital of Quebec boasts 17th century French-inspired architecture dotted along its cobblestone streets, and some of the best food you’ll find within Canada. It’s also one of the best places in North America to buy your croissants and baguettes en français.

Even though Quebec City is home to what is allegedly the most photographed hotel in the world—the beautiful Fairmont Le Château Frontenac—alongside dozens of other wonderful hotels, staying in a short-term rental remains the best way to really get to know the city like a local. Whether you’re looking for a family-friendly getaway suitable for a multi-generational holiday, or you want something compact and budget-friendly that’ll allow a solo traveler to enjoy the sights and sounds of the city center, here are some of the best Airbnbs in and around Quebec City.

We’ve vetted these listings based on Superhost status, ratings, amenities, location, previous guest reviews, and decor.

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