15 Best Airbnbs in Sicily, From Trapani to Palermo

This past summer, I spent a week traveling around Sicily, stumbling upon ancient mosaics on morning walks, savoring granitas and brioche for breakfast, sketching boats in the distance while pressing my toes into the pebbles along il lido (the beach), and gradually gaining the confidence to order a full meal without stumbling over my Italian. No matter what my day held—savoring espresso at the bar at Le Delizie in Porticello, basking under the orange beach umbrellas in San Vito lo Capo, or lighting a candle for my grandparents at the Basilica Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta in Messina that houses the Messina astronomical clock (i.e. the biggest mechanical and astronomical clock in the world), returning to my Airbnb at the end of each day felt like returning home.

We’ve vetted these listings based on Superhost status, ratings, amenities, location, previous guest reviews, and decor.

Where to stay in Sicily

The ideal spot hinges on your personal preferences, interests, and the kind of experience you’re seeking. Sicily is an expansive and populous island with breezy coastal seasides, rural landscapes, and historic towns filled with wild lore. For example: The Isola delle Femmine is rumored to be a former women’s prison. Agrigento is great for those interested in archaeological wonders, such as ancient Greek temples. Head to Syracuse for old-town seaside charm. Take a trip to Trapani for easy access to the western region of Sicily, including the Egadi Islands (try the ferry to Levanzo and grab aperitivo at Panetteria La Chicca). And, of course, don’t miss Palermo, the capital city known for its major street markets, museums, and impressive Arab-Norman architecture.

The best time to visit Sicily

Spring (April to June) and fall (September to October) months offer cooler weather without the Sicilian sun blaring down on your poor skin. Another perk of traveling during these times? There are fewer crowds if you’re headed to more congested areas such as Palermo or Taormina. Whenever you go, get SPF when you land (if you haven’t already packed it), as the Mediterranean climate can feel like you’re right next to the sun.

To experience Sicily is to immerse yourself fully, letting its pith settle into your being, from the serene meeting of sky and water to the vibrant citrus that demands attention at every market stand. To help with setting your home base, nearly all of the featured Airbnbs below are managed by Superhosts with high ratings, response rates, and reviews; two are not run by Superhosts, but have been designated “Guest Favorites” by Airbnb. Continue reading for 15 excellent Airbnbs to live the Sicilian experience. If you’re short on time, check out our top five picks below.

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