25 Adult Spring Break Destinations for 2025

The best spring break destinations are shining examples of one of the greatest travel hacks out there: waiting for the transitional months before tackling that trip on your bucket list. Make it past the summer and winter peaks of travel, and you’ll find March and April in the valley of shoulder season, shimmering with potential for budget-friendly, less crowded travel. Spring break is back, but the good news is—there’s no need to go back to school. These destinations are imbued with mild weather and major landmarks and attractions you might just get all to yourself. And while Cancun and Amsterdam were great in our partying college days, we’re more likely to seek fun-yet-refined trips at this stage in life.

To help you get a jump start on spring break 2025 planning, we’ve rounded up 25 spring break destinations for adults, ranging from whale watching in the DR to sampling the finest wines the West Coast has to offer. And if you want to chase your Merlot with a couple of shots of Patrón, go ahead—you’re a grown-up too, after all.

This article has been updated since its original publish date.