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  • February 2024 Horoscope: Travel Is a Means For Introspection This Month

February 2024 Horoscope: Travel Is a Means For Introspection This Month

On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces, initiating you into your annual vulnerability season. What is it about this time of year that makes you dwell on what you’ve lost, agitate over what’s still to come, and become waterlogged with the additional weight of everyone else’s emotions? It’s not easy being an open-hearted person, especially when you have a tendency to feel other people’s feelings for them. There’s a triple conjunction of Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun on the 28th that may illuminate all the places where you’re overgiving (or leaking, so to speak), and also aid you in creating better boundaries.

If you’re traveling this month, you might be more distracted by what’s going on between you and your counterpart to really pay attention to what the tour guide is saying, but being in unfamiliar surroundings may also present you with opportunities for healing that you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. Be open to the medicine of the local flora, fauna, and people, and to changing the way you normally respond to things.

Virgo Rising

Something tells me that even if you’re lucky enough to be on vacation this February, work will somehow come with you on the trip. Hopefully it’s work you’re energized and excited by, and not fires you need to keep putting out over Zoom with a shaky internet connection. You may be working on a passion project you’re fired up about, or you may be simply mired in some sort of workplace drama that you can’t tear yourself away from. It might be that one problem client demanding extra revisions, or a mutiny among your team. How you deal is how you deal, but it’s important that you don’t let your health and sleep fall by the wayside. Easier said than done, of course, but try to treat your self-care with as much urgency as you treat your deadlines this month.

At home spa collage.

Eucalyptus shower spray, comfortable robes, and calming teas help set the tone. 

In general, February 5 might be a good day for asking questions, and the 10th might bring you to the answers and solutions. Try to concentrate your productivity needs in the first part of the month, because after Mercury enters Pisces on the 23rd, things get a little blurry for the next two weeks. There might be a greater need to clarify things with your significant others, or maybe just to wrangle that client to commit to a new agreement in writing. This transit is better for nonverbal listening than it is for having things make logical sense, so for the most part, don’t expect communication to flow smoothly. If there is a day to seek crystal-clear clarity, it’s the 28th, during the triple conjunction of Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun.

The full moon in Virgo closes out the month on the 24th, offering you an opportunity to celebrate, or at least acknowledge, all of your recent growth. Will there be cake at the office rewarding you for managing that crisis well? Perhaps a sweet opportunity coming down the pipeline to travel for work? There may well be some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel, so enjoy the spoils.

Libra Rising

Is it love, or is it limerence? Don’t blame yourself if you confuse the two, because romantic obsession is designed to hit all the right buttons in your brain, and besides, it feels so good when you’re in it. As a stellium of planets convenes in your fifth house of romance and creative self-expression this February, you’re in pretty good shape to have a memorable fling on vacation, torture yourself over a crush, or to turn up the heat on an existing relationship in the honeymoon suite.

woman in red bikini sitting at hot springs

We sit down with sexual wellness expert Laura Delarato to talk about what makes sex on vacation so great, how to take control of your own pleasure, and her new book. 

Whether you’re single and haven’t felt inspired by anyone in months, paired up and going through the motions, or missing your own creative spark, this might actually be the perfect opportunity to reignite a pilot light that you’ve sorely been missing. However, consider that the word “passion” literally comes from a root word that means “to suffer.” It’s deadening not to feel it, but it can be difficult to remain emotionally regulated when you do. Whether your creative medium is a painting, a dance, an unhinged bar crawl, or the poetry of yearning, your senses will be fully engaged, and the theme is that pleasure often contains an element of pain.