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Ira Madison III Will Make a Beeline for This Tokyo Gay Bar

A destination he could travel to a million times and never tire of it:

Mexico City. I just really love the food, and the variety of the food. It’s just a gorgeous city. It’s also a place I’ve gone to do a lot of writing, to be away from New York. I have some friends who live there full-time, so it’s a nice city to feel like you’re on vacation but still know people who are there.

His advice for arranging group trips:

I do love a group trip with friends—which is weird, because I used to be a solo traveler. I didn’t have that much access to traveling through college and before I had steady jobs, so when I first was able to travel, I’d just go by myself. Once I learned how I like to travel, I found friends who wanted to do it with me. Tip number one: You need people who you would also be comfortable in a group chat with. You have to respect the travel group chat, because in the lead-up to planning it, you get a sense of how people’s personalities are going to be on the trip by how they behave in the group chat. Some people immediately start using it to live-blog their day or talk about other things, and I’m like, You need to respect the chat. It’s for planning.

The best vacation he’s ever taken:

Two years ago, some friends and I who usually go to Coachella together got a large house in Barcelona. We went for the music festival Primavera Sound, and we saw Charli XCX there, Dua Lipa, Megan Thee Stallion. I also hired a local chef to make food for us a couple of nights. It was a great trip.

His packing strategy:

I’m, unfortunately, to my own self-sabotage, a day-of packer. I can count on one hand the amount of times that I’ve acted in advance and planned out a big look, and that’s usually for an event or a wedding. I am a late arrival at the airport, and they do go hand in hand. The thing that has saved me is Clear, Pre-Check, and status from traveling so much.

His tourism recommendations in his hometown:

Milwaukee has some great museums. I love the lakefront, and I think that people should always visit that part of Milwaukee, just so you get to know how beautiful it is.

Where he’d like to go next:

I’ve never been to Tokyo. Two of my closest friends went there last year, and my best friend is going this spring, and it’s been on my mind since 2020. I will reach a breaking point when anybody else that I’m very close to goes on a trip to Tokyo and I’m not there. Eating would be a huge thing. I also want to visit the [gay bar] Eagle Tokyo, just because it’s an iconic landmark and people always come back with shirts from it. I’m always jealous when I see someone wearing one.