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  • January 2024 Horoscope: It’s Time to Rethink Who You Are As a Traveler

January 2024 Horoscope: It’s Time to Rethink Who You Are As a Traveler

Whether you’re on the road or merely plotting your next moves, the dominoes you set into motion this month will likely alter your trajectory in some way. Pay attention to the stirrings of your internal compass around the Capricorn New Moon on the 11th—something is shifting, even if you can’t yet tell where it’s going.

On the 23rd, Venus joins the board meeting in Capricorn and turns it into a party. The last week of January in particular would be an excellent time to decamp somewhere pretty, travel for pleasure, or do some spiritual seeking (but maybe the kind that comes with laughter and good food, and not strict rules and self-denial).

Gemini Rising

What goes up must come down again, and you will feel yourself boomeranging back to baseline this month as your ruling planet, Mercury, stations direct on the 1st and gradually picks up speed again. Last month, you were preoccupied with settling some outstanding debts and reworking agreements with important people in your life. Perhaps you had to wildly misunderstand each other before you could meet each other halfway. And for the first two weeks of January, you’ll be moving forward—but this time together, and with a shared mission. Maybe you needed to rewrite the terms of a contract—literally or metaphorically—before you could sort out the financials.

And that’s more or less what happens next, after Mercury re-enters Capricorn on the 13th. Now, you can rebalance your checkbooks, resubmit your tax return, publish the updated draft of your will, consolidate your loan, deposit funds into your investment account, figure out who owes what, and come to some sort of agreement about who’s responsible for which parts of a shared venture.

The bigger news is that on the 20th, the Sun and Pluto both enter Aquarius, your 9th house of long journeys, education, and spirituality. Over the next two decades, Pluto will completely tear down and reconstruct what you think you know about the world, and also how you move through it. That includes how you travel, how you think about tourism, and how you grapple with your place in the international order. For now, though, you can start by honoring any impulses that are arising to investigate things more deeply or change your usual approach. This could be something as drastic as renouncing air travel to help curb emissions, or something more subtle, like doing more research before you book to ensure you’re not giving money to organizations you think are unethical. With Pluto, there’s always a deeper layer to explore. You don’t have to get to the bottom of it just yet—right now is for scratching the surface.

Cancer Rising

Whether you were revisiting an important conversation, renegotiating an agreement, or trying to arrive to a mutual decision on where to travel together next year, at least one of your significant others needed a little more of your attention last month. Fortunately, the effort you put in will pay off in January as things settle into a more normal flow again between the two of you. As a stellium of planets march through Capricorn, your 7th house of others, you, too, will feel the purposeful momentum building in your relationships. If it’s not a romantic other, this could also involve a platonic life partner, your travel accomplice, your work wife or husband, or your clients.