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Lamorne Morris Thinks Calgary Has a Better Food Scene Than LA

His travel pet peeve
When people aggressively fart on planes. You don’t know where it’s coming from, you don’t know who did it. I can understand if you go in the bathroom and you’ve got to let one go and it happens to seep out of the door—you tried. That’s what the bathroom is for. But people will stand up and just go to work, and won’t stop until you have to crack a window, which is illegal. It’s so inconsiderate. The idea that 300 people have to suffer! At least once a flight, I get a whiff of someone’s insides, and it’s not pleasant.

His first flight in first class

I booked this Microsoft commercial and I had to fly to Budapest, which was insane; I’d only maybe flown internationally to Canada, once, at that point. I flew first class on Lufthansa and it was the greatest experience of my life. I didn’t know what a lounge was; I was so used to fending for myself in the airport. I was so confused by everything! I went to the bar and was pulling out money to buy stuff, and they’re like, “No, it’s free.” And I said, “What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing’s free!”

It was one of those double decker planes and I walked up the stairs to my own little first-class area, and [UFC fighter] Quenton “Rampage” Jackson was there, and Sharlto Copley, the actor from District 9, and Bradley Cooper. I think they were all promoting The A-Team. I had my own separate exit, and they had a Porsche pick me up and it drove right up to the plane. That was one of the coolest moments of my life! We went to Greece and Italy recently for my birthday, and I made sure that we flew home on Lufthansa because I wanted to see if the planes still look as cool and feel as cool, and they did not disappoint.

What surprised him when filming this season of Fargo in Calgary
It wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. I thought it would be desolate. When you watch Fargo, you see the plains, the vast fields, and you’re like, Man, there’s got to be nothing to do out there. Then you get there, and people are nice. The nightlife is great. It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. The restaurant scene is insane. Some of the best restaurants I’ve ever been to in my life are in Calgary, and people don’t talk about it! At least, I’d never heard anything about Calgary. It might be the best culture and restaurant scene in Canada, and I’ve been all over Canada. It feels better than L.A.’s food scene. Not better than Chicago or New York, but definitely in the top five out of the places that I’ve been all over the world. I was thoroughly shocked at how great the restaurants were.