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  • November 2023 Horoscope: Thanksgiving Travel May Get a Cosmic Shake-Up This Month

November 2023 Horoscope: Thanksgiving Travel May Get a Cosmic Shake-Up This Month

On the 13th, the new moon in Scorpio introduces an element of unpredictability and instability into your housing situation, relationship to your family, or orientation to events that might be unfolding in your homeland (current or familial). With the knowledge that the tectonic plates might be shifting beneath you, how can you take measures to root more deeply into foundations that feel secure, and that offer you a sense of protection? When Mars conjoins the Sun in Scorpio on the 18th, you’ll be able to narrow down your intention to a clear and concise goal, or make a clean cut, if that’s what you’re seeking.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd, and you’ll start to feel a bit lighter, but you might not be ready to come out to play until after the Sun’s square to Saturn on the 23rd. Sagittarius Season is for remembering your joie de vivre, but there’s an initial hurdle to clear first. Perhaps that hurdle is grief. Sadness and celebration don’t have to cancel each other out—they can each make the other more meaningful.

Virgo Rising

This month, allow yourself to be surprised by a part of town you thought you knew like the back of your hand. Revisit your favorite day trip destinations, but experience them in ways that are radically new to you.

You might choose to flip the script, or maybe the script will be flipped for you, in the first few days of the month, as Mercury gears up to oppose Uranus on November 4th. This could be a chaotic day for your usual commute, but also an opportunity to be pleasantly rerouted, if you can roll with the disruptions. You might be led down a rabbit hole that brings you to the start of something new, particularly when it comes to your current neighborhood, city, or region. Around the Scorpio new moon on the 13th, a plot twist you didn’t see coming sets you on a new path—maybe literally, if you wind up taking a different route to work from here on out.

On November 10th, Mercury enters Sagittarius, your 4th house of home, for a couple weeks of long-winded dinner table discussions. However, Mercury’s square to Saturn, also on the 10th, means you’ll have to start with a conversational stalemate, or an obstacle you’ll need to find ways to talk through (or around). Trust the process, and know that you’ll get to the point eventually. You might need to weave through a few digressions first, but this is an opportunity to make meaningful headway with your closest kin.

Libra Rising

October was a pretty rough month for you, and if you’re feeling a little battered and bruised (or just exceptionally tired), some of the color returns to your cheeks when Venus makes her homecoming to Libra on November 8th. For the next four weeks, you’ll be more empowered to be a force of love in the world, to work your charm, and persuade others to get on board with your plans. Don’t call it a comeback, though—at least not without strings attached. As Venus gets closer to a South Node conjunction on the 29th, you might have to take one for the team, but it’s a decision you’ll probably come around to making on your own terms.