This girl is on fire!!! ??⠀
And it’s true because I’m fired up & like a steam engine at full speed, all the time, lol. ⠀
My body is physically limiting me because I need to sleep and eat and drink water like everyone else, but I feel I am being called by the universe to be even MORE. ⠀
But more importantly: To no longer be quiet out of fear from being judged…⠀
and I’m serious lol.
Growing up, I was always the quiet kid… and sometimes I still am.
I have always had a lot of thoughts going on in my mind, I would often think about how people would respond to what I say or do before I even let the words come out of my mouth.⠀
Grade school was hell. I hated it. I remember BEGGING to be homeschooled lol.⠀
Being able to CHOOSE the people and places you spend your time on has been one of the most liberating things of adulthood that I keep growing into every day, and you can, too.⠀
Don’t get me wrong, it is NOT EASY to change where you are, your circumstances or even yourself. Every moment within your life that turns into something BIG, started out small…⠀
You are the things you repeatedly do.⠀
So, I am repeatedly using my voice. I am working on breaking the mold. I am thinking about how I can change the world, one step at a time. I am reading every book I can get my hands on to lead me to more insight, more information to put together the pieces of the world around me. I am working on myself, everyday.
One of my upcoming ventures is putting online “The Library of the One Percent” into a virtual library, that you can rent physical copies and/or purchase for yourself from Amazon, but also creating a community around it.⠀
You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on education. Learn from those who have done it, and then start doing it yourself. Experience life for yourself with the knowledge of the past, and the world produces a whole new reality altogether.
#yourperceptionisyourreality ?
#flowersandsuperpowers ?