Feeling like a “nasty” woman… ?⠀
There’s a lot of fear, anger, and frustration in the air…⠀
Sometimes it’s hard to keep your cool. ⠀
We’re all human. We’re imperfect, and perfect all at the same time. ⠀
Fight for what you believe in. It takes practice to be kind and be tenacious at the same time… but, it can be done. ⠀
I’m no saint either. I fuck up. I can be a real bitch sometimes, lol, but life ebbs and flows.⠀
Recently, I’ve equipped myself with the book “Dark Psychology: The ultimate guide to learn how to analyze people, read body language, and stop being manipulated. With secret techniques against deception, brainwashing, mind control, and NLP”…⠀
Before you get the wrong idea, I am NOT looking to take over anybody’s mind for my own selfishness.⠀
But in order to get the full picture of the situation, you ALWAYS have to consider multiple perspectives… even the ones you don’t necessarily like or agree with, and equipping yourself with NEW tools and information is like pulling the sword Excelsior from the stone.⠀
Part of being a flourishing human being is being open to new information because honestly, we are learning new things EVERY DAY. ⠀
I mean, really, we haven’t even explored 90% of the OCEAN, and we JUST discovered one of the LARGEST archeological finds in HISTORY (60,000 structures of the ancient Mayan civilization, of which only FOUR were known in the region in Guatemala, in fact…)⠀
Keep your mind open and keep moving forward. ⠀
YOU are as powerful as the universe, with just as much mystery and force. ⠀
YOU are a badass. ??⠀