On The ‘Gram – Jul 26, 2020

Still gotta get ‘er done. ⁠

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I am the OPPOSITE of risk-averse. ⁠

But, they are all still CALCULATED risks. ⁠

This is a @polarisgem E6 that is 100% electric (you could even hook up solar panels to the roof!) and can hit speeds up to 60mph. ?⁠

This bad boy’s MSRP (market suggested retail price) is $16k+… ⁠He needs a new battery and the locks changed, but I bought this baby for less than 1/4 of that.

This is just ONE example of what I’m trying to explain through #LootTheGov…⁠

The government has billions of dollars of assets from vehicles to jewelry to houses, that it sells for FAR below their true values… because there is truly the MINIMAL effort put towards getting rid of what is possessed by the government.⁠

Their goal is to get rid of it fast and for cash only… ⁠

NOT to get the most of its market value by taking their time to do it right and/or contracting out the right people to help… it’s all money that is right now going out the window that could be put BACK into the government for funding rather than taking it out of TAXES.

It might be a “loon shot”, but are you picking up what I’m putting down?

I had originally planned on shipping him along with all sorts of upgrades for my new 1br villa @labougainvillea… but with my health in shambles (I’m on the up and up, though) and avoiding unnecessary travel (yes, even I am staying put…) I am re-evaluating everything.⁠

There is a lot of uncertainty right now, but rather than trying to cling to only what you know, evaluate the “problems” you have in front of you as opportunities to do something different… something even BETTER.

Everybody has a role to contribute to changing this world for the better, but it’s going to require time, work, and energy… but boy will it be worth it! ????

Shout out to my amazing friend (and killer realtor!) @mary5280realtor for letting me store this beast in her garage while I figured my shit out. ???