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What to Know About Travel to Israel Right Now—and How to Help

The US State Department has instituted a nightly curfew for its embassy personnel, from 8pm to 6am, has encouraged them to stay close to home, and prohibited them from traveling to the West Bank. “US citizens should take this into consideration when planning their own activities,” the agency advises.

Airlines have issued travel waivers on routes to Israel, allowing travelers to either push their flights to a later date at no charge or cancel for a full refund, depending on the carrier. “We are advising people traveling in the next few weeks to postpone to November or a future date,” says Susan Weissberg, a travel specialist at Wyllys Professional Travel. “This will change. Each day we’ll continue to monitor the situation as it’s very fluid.”

Travel advisors agree that postponing—not canceling—is currently the best plan of action. “Now is not the time to visit Israel,” says Rose. “Delaying, instead of canceling, is one way to show your support following these tragic events.”

Weissberg hopes the conflict won’t deter travelers in the future: “Do not give up on visiting Israel,” she says. “It is the most fascinating country in the world, no matter what your religion is, and this too shall pass.”

How to help

The following organizations have been calling for peace and are offering aid to victims on both sides of the conflict.

The International Red Cross

In order to protect innocent civilians, the International Red Cross is calling for an end to the violence between Hamas and Israel. “The violence directed against civilians is appalling and cannot be justified,” says a statement from the group. “If the situation continues to escalate, then civilians on both sides will suffer immensely.” The organization “responds quickly and efficiently to help people affected by armed conflict,” and collects donations online.

Magen David Adom

Magen David Adom is Israel’s national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance, and blood bank service. It is officially recognized by the international Committee of the Red Cross as the national aid society of the State of Israel under the Geneva Conventions, and a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. You can support its efforts here.

International Rescue Committee

The IRC focuses on offering on-the-ground support to regions in crisis. “We are dismayed by the dramatic escalation of violence and mourn the extensive loss of civilian life in Israel and Gaza today,” said an IRC statement released on Saturday. “We are focused on the humanitarian needs of civilians in the coming days.” You can support the IRC on its donation page.