Surely at some point in your childhood, you sat in front of a globe and spun it around and around until your index finger landed on a random spot. As adults, we rely on content, recommendations, or our own instincts when it comes to visiting a specific destination. To make it a bit easier: Tell us your favorite color and we’ll tell you where to travel.
There’s a world of color to be seen: the saffron orange of the robes of Buddhist monks, the blues of the Bahamas, the red of the chili bell pepper fields in India, and the bamboo green of the Arashiyama forest in Japan. And what about the purple of the lavender fields in the south of France, the white lime of Crete or La Mancha, the pink of Barragan in Mexico, or the yellow of the colonial facades of Cartagena de Indias?
We pulled together some of the most colorful places around the world.
Puerto Mármol, Chile.iStock Photo
Blue: Marble Chapels, Chile
Blue is a color that conveys confidence and serenity, a good indicator when choosing a destination based on our emotional state. Those exact feelings will engulf anyone who enters the “Marble Chapels” by boat. The caverns can be found in Lake General Carrera, a must-stop during a trip along the Carretera Austral that crosses the region of Aysén in Chilean Patagonia. The spell of blues born of water erosion in the karst formations themselves is ideal to visit during autumn and spring in the southern hemisphere when the lake’s water level is higher.
Option B: Don’t underestimate the indigo charm of the village of Chaouen in Morocco or the tiles of the beautiful Chapel of Souls in Porto.