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Women Who Travel Book Club: The Best New Books to Read This Winter

There’s no better way to settle into the new year than with a fresh reading list—and we couldn’t be more excited to share ours in this winter edition of the Women Who Travel book club. For your next snowy Sunday or chilly night in, we have reads that tour you through rural France side-by-side with a spy, drop you into otherworldly landscapes one gorgeously illustrated comic panel at a time, let you in on Ina Garten’s life beyond Barefoot Contessa, and more.

In this edition of the list, we welcomed friends from Bon Appétit to weigh in on their favorites, plus previews of new books hitting shelves in February. So make sure to save some space in your carry-on for the best new books to keep you company on your next scenic train journey or moment of aprés-ski downtime. And just in case you might have trouble deciding where to start, we’ve organized our list by theme so you can pick up just what you’re in the mood for. After you’re done, we’d love to hear your thoughts on our picks—and which fantastic reads we might’ve missed—on Instagram or Facebook.