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Women Who Travel Podcast: Emma Roberts on New Orleans and Her Vintage Books Obsession

LA: Not the stranger next to you.

ER: No, but also, I mean, when you have a great travel buddy, it makes it fun. Some of my favorite travel memories are just feeling like you can’t breathe because you’re laughing so hard. For me, that’s one of my best friends or my sister or my mom. You know, as everyone knows who travels, things will go wrong. Flights will be delayed. Flights will be canceled. Bags will be lost. So you kind of have to have someone there to laugh about it.

LA: That is so true. And sometimes I think it puts a pin in the anxiety where you’ve got someone and you look at each other and you’re like, “It’s going to work out. We have each other. This is a story.”

ER: Totally. I know my mom would always be like, “Don’t worry if your bag gets sloshed.” She’s like, “As long as you just have cash and clean underwear in your purse, you’re fine.” I’m like, “Okay, mom, great advice.” But she’s right. She’s like, everything else you can just borrow, buy or figure it out. And I’m like, “Okay, you’re right.”

LA: It is true. And I mean, sometimes there might be something in your suitcase that is of value or you’re emotionally attached to, but sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m like, everywhere has a shop, everywhere has a pharmacy.

ER: Yeah.

LA: I need to, I can just kind of reconstruct a packing list.

ER: Totally. Yeah. My issue is only because, as I told you, I’m such a big fan of vintage that there’s been sometimes where I check a bag with certain vintage pieces in it where clothing items where I’m like, “Ooh, if that bag gets lost, I might shed a tear.”

LA: Yeah. That thing is gone for good.

ER: Then they’re like, “What was the monetary value on the items lost?” I’m like, “The monetary or the emotional?” Because I’m like the emotional value I can’t place.

LA: Yeah, you’re like, “Infinite.”

ER: Yeah.

LA: Where is a place that you haven’t been that’s on your bucket list and why?

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