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Women Who Travel Podcast: How to Plan a Wellness Trip—From Guinea Pig Rituals to Meditative Hikes

LA: That is a dream trip. Lydia, would you recommend snowboarding in remote Japan, or have you got something else?

LB: Oh, God. I actually agree with the other two. I think just go for one walk. It could be short, it could be long. And just keep the palette of your day really simple. So make sure that you eat well and that you walk.

LA: I love that. And to completely flip it on its head, what’s one super high-tech innovation that’s kind of blown your minds and you can’t quite believe is kicking around right now?

LB: I think what’s really interesting is some of the biohack technologies just developing more and more and more. So it’s all sorts of crazy stuff, like binaural, vibroacoustic technology and stuff like that.

LA: Wait, what is that? Is it like sound waves?

LB: It’s where you lie in a sound bed and you have different frequencies going into your ear and you’ve got LED lighting, and it kind of makes you feel more balanced and zen. But some of the more mainstream tech-led treatments you can find now in smaller hotels or even high street gyms, sometimes, some of those can be quite … The idea that you can go into cryotherapy, that you can get into this absolutely freezing cold, you’ve got a hammer, and you’ve got a cryotherapy unit and that kind of thing. I find that pretty wild, actually.

LA: Okay, amazing. Well, I’d like to say that you changed my mind, but I think what you’ve actually done is made me realize I’m already incorporating wellness in for my life, because I love being outdoors, I love hiking, I love nature, which is strange for a city girl. I thought for a long time that I didn’t. And just a few weeks ago, when I was in India, I said there was no wellness, but I did go for one of the most memorable hikes of my life in the Himalayas. And it was a full day on the side of this mountain, where the only people you really saw were monks and the dogs that lived on the mountain, and it was incredibly peaceful. So maybe I’m doing it. And I don’t think I’m going to be lying on a sound bed or going in some sort of cryotherapy chamber just yet.

Okay. So just to wrap things up, if people want to follow you on your own wellness adventures and travels, where can they find you? Jen, where can we watch you do this snowboarding trip in Japan?

JM: You can follow my Instagram handle, Jenrunsworld. I used to run all over the world. I run a little less now. But yeah, Jenrunsworld is my Instagram handle.

LA: And Yariella, where can we find your blog and all of your socials?

YC: So the blog is called The Beauty Backpacker, and then all my socials are Beauty Backpacker. So pretty straightforward.

LA: And Lydia, when people aren’t reading what you’ve written on the Condé Nast Traveler websites, where can they find you?

LB: On Instagram, Lydia Elizabeth Bell.

LA: Okay, great. We are done.

JM: Awesome.

LA: Thank you for asking my thousand questions. This was great.

Thank you for listening to Women Who Travel. I’m Lale Arikoglu, and you can find me on Instagram, @lalehannah. Our engineer is Pran Bandi, and special thanks to Jake Lummus for engineering support. Our show is mixed by Amar Lal at Macro Sound. Jude Kampfner is our producer, Stephanie Kariuki, our executive producer, and Chris Bannon is head of Condé Nast Global Audio.

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