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Women Who Travel Podcast: The Art of Making Dinner on a Group Trip, According to ‘Bon Appétit’

CM: Suddenly like all I want to give you is eggplant. Eggplant and tomato. And especially, you’re gonna be out like end of August, or thereabouts.
LA: Right?
CM: Right?

LA: Prime, prime tomato time.
CM: Prime tomato time. But like, not that weekend. Maybe some other time. Right? LA: Okay. All right. Yeah. [inaudible 00:11:24].
CM: Yeah, which is… Yeah. I mean, they’re just off the list.
LA: I’m not gonna be resentful about it.
CM: No, it’s fine. You know, th- you’ll get your tomato kicks in some other time.
LA: I’ll have the whole summer.
CM: Yeah.
But I started thinking, “Okay. Well, if you can still do nuts… Peanuts. As long as you can still do soy,-
LA: Mm-hmm.
CM: … you can do alliums.” There’s like, greatness lurks there.
LA: And we, and we could do fish, ’cause it’s-
CM: Yeah, you could do fish. Not that I’m gonna give you any, but like-
LA: All right. Okay. Ooh, in- intrigued.
CM: You know, but you could.
LA: [laughs]
CM: You could.
LA: You could.
CM: So, there’s a f-… You know, there’s a few ingredients here… A handful of which are kind of a pantry staple, that can… This is where I was sort of like oh, if it’s a house you’re renting, often those kinds of kitchens don’t necessarily have a lot, so like how many things do you want to buy a full bottle of?
LA: That’s always a dilemma I have.
CM: Yeah.
LA: Um, I also was just away for a few days in a cabin in Maine with a, a couple of people who eat everything,-
CM: Mm.
LA: … so completely different menu. But you end up when you go grocery shopping, spending so much money-
SU: Mm-hmm.
LA: … because you have to get all the-
CM: Starting from scratch.
LA: … pantry items. Yeah.
CM: Yeah.
Salt, you know, neutral oil, olive… I mean, it just… Sky’s the limit.

LA: Yeah.
CM: So I mean, if you are able to pack certain things from home, ’cause you knew in advance what your menu was, it might be worth doing so.
LA: I think that’s a great idea.
CM: So-
LA: And I have done that with things for cocktails before.
CM: Oh, nice.
SU: Mm.
CM: All right.
LA: So-
CM: So it’s a well-trod path here.
SU: I think last year… Was it last year? Or the year before, maybe. But we did like a digital package. Do you remember? On like cooking on vacation. And then Emma, I think, wrote a beautiful piece about all the things you should pack food-wise when you’re going to like a rental which has a kitchen and you plan on cooking.
LA: This is such a good idea, and I’m annoyed that Traveler hasn’t done it.
SU: [laughing]
CM: [laughing]
LA: [laughing]
SU: It was great. And, uh, sh-… I think she suggested salt, oil, pepper, and some tools as well. Like a Microplane, uh, a paring knife, stuff like that. It was a very useful one.
CM: You know, I often pack my own salt. Like ’cause Diamond Crystal kosher, it’s n-… Sometimes you can’t find it elsewhere. Just little things like that, little gift to yourself, you know, to set yourself up for success.
LA: And I don’t know why, somehow it feels slightly ridiculous to start packing spices, but I’m like, “I pack makeup. I pack-
SU: Yeah.
CM: Mm-hmm.
LA: … toiletries. Why can’t my spices and seasonings be part of-
SU: Yeah.
LA: … that list?”
CM: Yeah.
SU: I always make these little-
CM: Little packets?
SU: Yeah [laughs].
CM: You do the packets?
SU: You know exactly what [laughs]-
CM: How do you fold them, though? Is there like an origami shape for that?
SU: Yeah. Yeah, it is [laughs].
CM: We need-
LA: Wait, what are the packets?
SU: I made these little origami-
CM: [laughs]
SU: … like pouches. And you can make them as [laughs],-